Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A short pitstop at the Water Tower

Well, sort of.  We got Gertie to fly again; pretty well, I might add.  So then we (and by we, I mean my boo, because I am like overprotective momma bird) tried to get her to fly from the top of their automatic water dispenser thing-a-ma-bobbie.

She decided she needed a nap before going back home.

Both of them look a little bigger, but Millie is still the puny one.  She was extra spastic today, and not so photogenic.

They love to huddle in corners, always facing the wall.

But good ol' Gertie was just fine with the attention.  Her wings are almost all "revealed."  I don't know what the proper term is.  She has a pretty impressive wingspan too.  I'll try to capture that next time.

I'm not sure why it looks like I have the death grip on Gertie, but I swear I was not hurting her.  Her neck is actually about the size of my thumb--the fluff is deceiving.

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